



GTA: Vice City Stories


GTA: Liberty City Stories

GTA: San Andreas

GTA: Vice City

GTA: Chinatown Wars

  Liberty City
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Новости Race #2

GTA LEAGUE t/cw | 1 |

GTA LEAGUE t/cw | 2 |
[0/30] Sniper Madness

GTA.Ru | Map Editor

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GTA.Ru | Ride's Duel Server

GTA.Ru | Stealth Public Server (w/ Stats System)

GTA.Ru | Race Server

GTA.Ru | One Click Kill Tactics Server | 33004
[0/64] Freeroam LU Server
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Голосовой чат: 0 > GTA 3 > Транспорт > Превосходные
Скорость: 5
Акселерация: 5
Управляемость: 4
Тормоза: 5
Прочность: 2
Общая оценка: 4.2

Very fun car to drive. It's also quite difficult due to it's power. It's easy to lose control but once you master it gives you a quick getaway. Fastest acceleration but can get trashed in seconds.

Barracks OL
Скорость: 5
Акселерация: 3
Управляемость: 4
Тормоза: 3
Прочность: 5
Общая оценка: 4.0

The perfect vehicle for ramming missions. It's quick and strong. Police will bounce off of it and any traffic in you way will be smashed off the road like toy cars. Not indestructable but will take alot of pounding before it is destroyed.

BF Injection
Скорость: 4
Акселерация: 5
Управляемость: 4
Тормоза: 4
Прочность: 3
Общая оценка: 4.0

You will enjoy driving this simply because no one else has one. It's not the fastest car but it is the lightest and has the fastest acceleration.

Скорость: 5
Акселерация: 5
Управляемость: 5
Тормоза: 5
Прочность: 2
Общая оценка: 4.6

The daddy of sports car's. The fastest, easiest and most fun to drive. It grips the road as if it were glued. Get into one of these and not even the police will be able to keep up with you.

Скорость: 5
Акселерация: 4
Управляемость: 4
Тормоза: 5
Прочность: 3
Общая оценка: 4.2

Marginally outclassed in the handling and acceleration areas by the Cheetah. Even so, it's still a monster of a car and should be car jacked as soon as possible if your not already in the cheetah.
Mafia Sentinel
Скорость: 4
Акселерация: 4
Управляемость: 5
Тормоза: 5
Прочность: 3
Общая оценка: 4.2

One of my favourites. Hasn't got the speed of the previous two cars but it has excellent handling and is easy to drive. There are two of them always parked outside Salvatore's Gentlemen's Club.

Скорость: 4
Акселерация: 4
Управляемость: 5
Тормоза: 5
Прочность: 4
Общая оценка: 4.4

The Patriot is a brilliant machine to drive. It's fast and it's tough. It has fantastic handling and is so easy to drive. You can also climb up ridiculously steep slope's in it. Which is why it features heavily in the checkpoint scramble missions.

Скорость: 5
Акселерация: 3
Управляемость: 3
Тормоза: 5
Прочность: 5
Общая оценка: 4.0

5 stars for speed!? Yes it's true you can't go very fast in it under normal acceleration but turn that turret around to face backwards and fire off shells repeatedly and you will be propelled forward at an insane speed. Oh and it's almost invincible!

Скорость: 4
Акселерация: 4
Управляемость: 5
Тормоза: 5
Прочность: 3
Общая оценка: 4.2

Identical to it's Mafia counter part except for a few cosmetic appearances. A good alternative if you can't get the Mafia version.

Скорость: 5
Акселерация: 4
Управляемость: 5
Тормоза: 4
Прочность: 3
Общая оценка: 4.2

This beauty is actually better than the Yakuza version. It's more responsive meaning you can dart in and out of the traffic much more easily. Pity it doesn't have any rear spoilers.

GTA: Vice City Stories
GTA: San Andreas
GTA: Vice City
GTA: Chinatown Wars
GTA: Liberty City Stories
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